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Echo Dale Regional Park - Medicine Hat

Historical Farm Site
Contact Information:

Facebook: Echo Dale Farm

Instagram: echodalehistoricalfarm
Please Note: There are no animals or guided tours 
available during the week. Visit Echo Dale Farm for a self guided experience anytime Saturday and Sunday. 

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.


Book an Echo Dale Farm Tour today to experience an interactive and informative walk through of the Echo Dale Historical Farm Site.


Visitors can expect to learn what day to day life was like on the homestead over 100 years ago, while interacting with animals and learning fun facts about rural agriculture and animal husbandry.


Feed the goats at the old white barn, say hi to the alpacas and learn about fibre farming, visit the incredible Blacksmith building then feed the pony and donkey! Conclude your visit with a stop at Farm Store and get yourself an ice cream treat! Tour is an outdoor experience and lasts approximately an hr long.


Guided Echo Dale Farm Tour


Saturday's and Sunday's


July-August 2024

Special Events

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.

School Tours


Echo Dale Farm School Tours

A guided visit through the Historical Farm. Includes Woolfrey house, Blacksmith Shop and the Mine. Estimated time 1.5 hr per tour. Book online. Only 2 classes per tour time & the time must be booked. Limited space available.

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.
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